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  • 2 large eggs - 2 huevos grandes

  • 4 Tbsp milk or to desired thickness -4 cucharadas de leche

  • 5.3 oz container (about ⅔ cup) vanilla Greek yogurt -⅔ de taza de yogurt griego de vainilla

  • 1 tsp baking powder - 1 cucharadita de polvo para hornear

  • ¾ cup all-purpose flour * - ¾ de taza de harina

  • Coconut oil to saute (or light olive oil, or butter) - Aceite de coco, oliva o mantequilla para poner en el sartén.


  1. Whisk together 2 eggs, Greek yogurt, 2 Tbsp milk. - Combinar los 2 huevos con el yogurt griego y 2 cucharadas de leche.

  2. Stir 1 tsp baking powder into the flour then add this mixture to the wet ingredients. Add more milk if too thick. - Combinar los ingredientes secos, la harina y el polvo para hornear.

  3. Melt coconut oil in a nonstick pan over medium heat. - Derretir el aceite de coco en un sartén.


You can sub yogurt with cottage cheese but they won't be quite as sweet as with the vanilla yogurt. *to measure flour, scoop it into a measuring cup and scrape off the top

Puedes sustituir el yogurt griego por queso cottage pero la dulzura de los hotcakes será menor.

* Usar tazas medidoras para la harina.

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